
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Modem Script for Option Globetrotter GPRS Card

Modem Modifier v2.02 vill allow you to create the following script:

Modem Name: Globetrotter/Vodafone
Version: Newton 1
Organization: Karmatic Experience Group
Id The Modem: False
Use Hardware CD: False
Use Config String: False
Use Dial Options: False
Hangup at Disconnect: True
Supports Cellular: True
Supports EC: True
Supports LCS: False
Direct Connect Only: False
Connect Speeds: 9600 14400 19200 28800 38400 57600
Config. Speed: 115200
Command Timeout: 550
Max Chars. per Line: 140
Inter Command Delay: 5000
Modem Id String:

Config. String No EC:

Config. String EC only:

Config. String EC and Fallback:

Config. String Cellular:

Config. String Direct Connect:

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